i love love love computers!!! computers are everywhere these days, and i'm absolutely here for it (to an extent.) i believe more access to technology (especially computers) especially in a more creative and productive approach is good!!! maybe its just me who has been exposed to technology at a very young age, though...

my first ever computer i got my hands on was a windows 7 that i would religiously play flash games and pvz on, not to mention listen to vocaloid to. if you cant tell im fucking young with a love for old stuff for some reason... meanwhile at the time in my old school (this was 2012-2015), we learned block coding in ict class on imacs, and it was a magical experience to me. like think about it, learning the baby basics of code as a tiny autistic 6 year old?? fucking magical bro. absolutely geeking out.

yall remember purble place?

my first time coding was in ict class as a 6 year old, learning the basics of how to type and how to work a computer. it was 2013, and i was sitting in front of a large (it was fucking humongous to me) imac complete with those smooth mouses and tiny keyboards. we were each taught block coding through scratch (or was it not scratch? i remember it being scratch...), specifically how to move stuff around and get one thing from point a to point b, following a path. it was simple, but i loved it. my past with computers kinda makes me sad that i didn't decide to pursue computer science as a degree, or even hone my skills seriously (for context, im going to be a graphic design and new media student once i graduate).

"maybe eating it will work!"

next was me joining the general computer club in third grade. it was a little boring, no coding done, just messing with microsoft. HOWEVER, our final project was to make a stop-motion video using microsoft movie maker. aside from that, my favorite part of joining that club aside from getting to skip out on pramuka (because im a lazy ass) was making rooms using microsoft visio.

go back?